Welcome to EZ Arch


Using the latest technology and machining, JB Dental Lab is pioneering the manufacturing of full arch restorations with our new patent-pending EZ Arch. Save time, save money, and own your full arch experience.

EZ Arch
Full Arch Implant Dental Lab
EZ Arch Dental Lab
EZ Arch
Z Crown Dental Lab

Customizable without the Risk

Interchangeable designs and overlays to allow modifications above bar level to limit MUA movement and risk on implant osseointegration.


EZ Arch utilizes proprietary technology to generate in-office overlays that fit onto the precision milled titanium bar. This creates long term temporization which then is easily transitioned into Zirconia at the final treatment.

Assistant Driven Workflow

Dental Assistants can work with patients chairside while using our innovative and ADA compliant process saving dentists time on deliveries.

Call Today

You can start your first case with us today to

experience the difference. 

EZ Arch